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An Indie Publisher and Bookseller Making A Social Difference 


Free Writing Courses


Peer Editing & Free Editorial Support


A Truly Diverse Publisher

Championing Diverse Authors by Removing the Barriers

Making Reading More Accessible Through

Open Book

Our Books


Here at Indie Novella we're all about independence, inclusion and diversity.  We're a non-profit cooperative of writers, authors and illustrators who work together to publish truly unique, stories from previously undiscovered and underrepresented authors. 


We want novels to flourish, not be hidden away in a draw unpublished, and our peer editing programme and free writing courses allow writers to achieve their full potential.








Traditional publishing favours tried and tested stories and writers who can afford writing courses and literary consultancies. Indie Novella is a non-profit independent publisher, bookseller and social enterprise devoted to bringing publishing to new and under-represented authors, getting them published by removing the barriers.  We are publishing a new era of authors.

Stories direct to your phone and table.  Anywhere.  Anytime.

Literature brought to the present day.  No Kindles, No Apps, No Amazon.

Reading made more accessible.  Our novels, bite-sized, instantly on your phone.


Come try Read As You Go - the easy way to start a novel on-the-go. Learn more here:

Even in this post-pandemic age, we're always on the go. We love stories brought to life in novels and on screen and whether its the works of Tolstoy or our favourite Instagrammers, we love reading.


So now Indie Novella's READ AS YOU GO makes reading suit you.  Our novels, direct to your phone, via our website or over Instagram, in short 45 minute bursts.  Ideal if waiting for friends, restarting your commute, relaxing by the pool or on a bad Happn date.

READ AS YOU GO allows you to access a novel your way an only pay as much as you'd like to read.  Making literature accessible whoever you are, where ever you are.






A digital platform that aims to make literature more accessible to readers: especially to those who would not normally pick up a novel. This is achieved by bringing the novels direct to the reader's phone and splitting them into more manageable bite size sections, which can better create engagement. The software does not require a separate app and, therefore, improves accessibility

Our Writing Course is online, available for everyone, and free.


Traditionally the UKs publishing community caters for a mainstream, middle-class audience. This is slowly changing but unconscious bias continues to make it difficult for writers from diverse backgrounds to be noticed and have their work published. Without doubt a real conflict exists for many publishers who are driven by profit and who struggle to be more inclusive. Indie offers a new exciting alternative to help give new writers a voice and an accessible platform for sharing their work.


To do this Indie Novella offers a writing course that would otherwise cost in the hundreds, if not thousands, providing writers with the techniques and skills to make their writing stand out. The course has been curated by writers, students and authors who have seen the lack of accessibility as the biggest barrier to diversity in publishing. 


To get published you need to hook an agent.  To hook an agent you need to know tips and tricks of creative writing, pitching and publishing. To know the tips and tricks you need to pay hundreds and thousands to writing schools and literary consultants. And the majority of us do not have hundreds and thousands.


Indie Novella's reason for being is to provide the highest quality at no cost so you can either publish with us or take your novel to an agent. There are no catches. We are a social enterprise and are funded specifically to level this playing field.


Enroll here and start your journey

Colorful Book Spines

We Are



Indie Novella - Who We Are
Indie Novella

Indie Novella - Who We Are

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